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  • 造句1:随着日子一天天过去,气候越见寒冷,再加上天公不作美的阴天,使得白天吹来的缓缓徐风也让人不禁打起寒颤。
    英  文:As the days went by, the climate became colder and colder, and the cloudy day when the God was not beautiful, the gentle breeze that blew during the day also made people shiver.
  • 造句2:避开折磨是生命的最佳选择,一旦躲避不开,就让折磨变作美丽人生的养分,此亦是生命的最佳选择。
    英  文:Avoiding suffering is the best choice of life. Once you can't avoid it, let suffering become the nutrient of a beautiful life. This is also the best choice of life.
  • 造句3:这次遗憾的是时间不及天公不作美,没有去非物质文化遗产馆参观。
    英  文:This time, unfortunately, the time is not as good as that of the Heavenly Father. He did not visit the intangible cultural heritage hall.
  • 造句4:还好天公作美,不热也不冷非常舒适,多云的天空清风悠扬,和朋友一路欢声笑语,不觉中就到了目的地。
    英  文:Fortunately, the weather is beautiful, not hot or cold, very comfortable, cloudy sky breeze melodious, and friends along the way laughter, unconsciously arrived at the destination.
  • 造句5:车子平缓地行驶在城市中央,结果快到南越的时候,天空不作美,居然下起了小雨。
    英  文:The car drove smoothly in the center of the city. As a result, when it was near South Vietnam, the sky was not beautiful, and it rained a little.
  • 造句6:请大家遵守秩序,不要插队窜队,这里是制作美味的料理部,不是菜市场!
    英  文:Please obey the order, don't jump in line, this is the delicious cooking department, not the food market!
  • 造句7:细密的长睫毛贴在一起,眼睛眨两下就分开两根,身上有一种生活贫困赶上天公不作美的窘迫。
    英  文:Thin long eyelashes stick together, eyes blink two apart, there is a kind of life poverty catch up with God's not beautiful embarrassment.
  • 造句8:把一切泪水留给昨天,把所有烦恼抛向未来,开怀一笑,把它当作甜蜜的创伤,把它当作美丽的痕迹。
    英  文:Leave all tears to yesterday, throw all worries into the future, laugh it up, regard it as a sweet wound, and regard it as a beautiful trace.
  • 造句9:尽管天工不作美,但是经过欢乐气氛的渲染,淅淅沥沥的小雨也似乎变得美好!
    英  文:Although the sky is not beautiful, but after the joy of the atmosphere of the rendering, the dripping rain seems to become better!
  • 造句10:尽管天公不是很作美,时阴时晴,但丝毫不影响人们春游的好心情。
    英  文:Although Tiangong is not very beautiful, cloudy and sunny, it does not affect people's good mood for spring outings.
  • 造句11:如果天公作美,你有幸湖中荡舟,这些可爱的鸟还会大胆的落在你的肩头,亲吻你的脸颊,弄得你不好意思,它才开心的扬长而去。
    英  文:If the weather is beautiful, you are lucky to go boating in the lake. These lovely birds will boldly fall on your shoulders, kiss your cheeks, make you feel embarrassed, and it will happily go away.
  • 造句12:天公真是作美,刚才在路上还是大雨磅礴,我们正担心这样的天气是不是坏了访春雅兴,没想到,车到留皇坪,雨就停了,云也散了,天空也亮了。
    英  文:The weather is really beautiful. Just now we still have heavy rain on the road. We are worried whether this weather is bad or not.
  • 造句13:天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。
    英  文:The good weather has greatly promoted the smooth operation of the rescue operation.
  • 造句14:天公也还算是作美,蓝天白云,纯净晴朗,艳阳高照,是游览九寨山水的好天气。
    英  文:Tiangong is also beautiful, blue sky and white clouds, pure and sunny, sunny, is a good day to visit Jiuzhai Mountain and Water.
  • 造句15:天公也不作美,只是稀稀拉拉落了些雨,门前小河都纤瘦了许多。
    英  文:The God of heaven is not beautiful, but the rain is sparsely pulled down, and the rivers in front of the door are much thinner.
  • 造句16:天公不作美,在这浓浓的节日气氛里一片阴霾,寒风呼啸着,让人透心地凉。
    英  文:Heaven is not beautiful, in this dense Festival atmosphere, a haze, the cold wind whistling, let people deeply cool.
  • 造句17:可惜天公不作美,一会儿雨,一会儿雪,一会儿居然竟下起了冰雹。
    英  文:Unfortunately, the sky is not beautiful. It rains, snows and hails.
  • 造句18:只可惜天公不作美,下起了雨,我们坐上景区游车,一路穿行,在风雨中寄情。
    英  文:Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful, and it rained. We took the scenic spot tour bus and traveled all the way, expressing our feelings in the wind and rain.
  • 造句19:八月,山城重庆,是火炉,也许我们的诚心感动了天公,天公作美,下起了小雨,炎热的夏天,遇上这样凉爽的天气,真是可遇而不可求。
    英  文:In August, Chongqing, a mountain city, is a stove. Maybe our sincerity touched the God of heaven. The God of heaven works beautifully. It rained slightly. In hot summer, such a cool weather is hard to come by.
  • 造句20:偏偏上天不肯作美,那一天雨雪零零,百官颔立直至夜晚,才看到皇帝在无数火把簇拥之下骑在栗色马上安然驾到。
    英  文:Unfortunately, heaven refused to be beautiful, and on that day it rained and snowed, and all the officials stood till evening, when they saw the emperor riding on a chestnut horse under numerous torches.
  • 造句21:与子虚乌有的谈资不同,真正让甲壳虫乐队与众不同的是他们之间亲密的伙伴关系,他们新鲜的声音,当然还有人们认可的、创作美妙音乐唱片的能力。
    英  文:Unlike the empty talk, what really distinguishes the Beatles is their intimate partnership, their fresh voice and, of course, their recognized ability to create wonderful music records.














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